The Certified Intrinsic Coach® follows our highly regarded 50-hour Intrinsic Coaching® training program and is for people wanting to provide coaching services and/or gain a coaching perspective and coaching skills for better results and more satisfaction at work, including as a health service professional, educator, mentor, or leader, and in relationships and life.
Can be applied toward the Certified Intrinsic Solutions Coach and the NBHWC Approved Certified Intrinsic Health & Wellbeing Coach.
Certified Intrinsic Solutions Coach
avada1112024-08-14T22:38:45+00:00The Certified Intrinsic Solutions Coach incorporates the highly regarded Certified Intrinsic Coach® certification and adds education on coaching with extrinsic and systemic topics and 1-1 mentoring to fine tune your skills, and is for people wanting to provide coaching services and/or gain a coaching perspective and coaching skills for better results and more satisfaction at work, including as a health service professional, educator, mentor, or leader, and in relationships and life.
Can be applied toward the NBHWC Approved Certified Intrinsic Health & Wellbeing Coach.
Master Certified Coach
avada1112024-01-13T21:25:32+00:00Experience a new level of confidence, offer a new level of expertise in coaching, be a leader among other professionals and coaches, and be identified as a Master Certified Coach.
Prerequisite: CIC, CISC, or CIHWC Certification
Certified Valuations Specialist
avada1112022-01-04T16:01:29+00:00Get an advanced coaching certification & coaching tool that makes you an expert on the thinking behind choices. Learn with your own measurements and then give the same assessment to two people you choose.
Prerequisite: CIC, CISC, or CIHWC Certification
Assessments & Wellbeing
avada1112024-01-06T18:30:06+00:00Expand your capabilities, accelerate your results, learn to independently use quality assessment tools at work through this schedule-friendly, practical, hands-on certificate program. Learn with your own multi-part assessment report and give the same multi-part assessment to two people you choose.
No prerequisites
Intrinsic Coach® Series I
avada1112020-10-13T19:46:17+00:00This 24-CE core coaching course is the first step toward becoming Intrinsic Solutions Certified and can be applied to our core certifications, including the NBHWC-approved Certified Intrinsic Health & Wellbeing certification.
No prerequisites
Thinking Behind Choices I
avada1112020-10-13T19:46:42+00:00In this schedule-friendly 24-CE course you will learn 28 measurements describing thinking behind choices & get your own 28 measurements about you. This course can be applied to the CVS certification resulting in being able to offer others the same assessment offered to you.
No prerequisites.